Mkoko Khan
4 min readMar 19, 2020

How To Earn Money From Youtube Without Adsense

How To Earn Money From Youtube Without Adsense

Making videos on YouTube can be very lucrative if it runs correctly. Unfortunately, many beginning YouTube creators believe that if they make quality videos and allow ads to appear in their videos, the money will start to flow.

However, many of these creators discover that YouTube is not a sustainable source of income. In fact, while it is impossible to give an exact number, you can estimate that a video will generate a dollar for every thousand views.

Related: How To Start a Youtube Channel.

Why does YouTube pay so little to its creators? First, remember that this is the YouTube platform and you have no responsibility to pay its creators, but decide to do it anyway.

You should also keep in mind that advertisers’ money goes through many hands before reaching you. Start with consumers, who pay the advertiser, who then pays YouTube, which finally pays the creator. In the end, there is not much money left. So what can creators do to quickly use YouTube to create a sustainable income?

Affiliate Marketing.

This is one of the most popular methods to earn money on YouTube. Affiliate marketing is the marketing in which you sell other people’s products and take a commission for each item or service that you sell through a special URL that is linked to your account.

While many companies have affiliate programs for which you can make a commission, one of the simplest and most popular programs is the Amazon Associates program, which starts the commission at 4 percent.

When you sign up for the Amazon program, you will be directed to your portal where you can search virtually any item in the Amazon market and create a special link for that product.

All you have to do is make a video that highlights a product you like, tell viewers to click on the description link if they are interested and let their commissions come in. The best part is that once the viewers click on your link, you will receive a commission for everything you buy on Amazon in the next 24 hours.

Sell your own products.

We understand that YouTube will pay us a fraction of a cent of what they earn from an advertiser. Affiliate programs such as Amazon will give us a higher percentage of sales, but what would happen if we wanted to get 100 percent of the revenue and have full control of the money you enter? To do this, you need to sell your own products.

For example, suppose you create a mini online training program that sells for $ 50. You’ll want to make a video that provides immense value and then, at the end of the video, present your course to get more value. With 1,000 views in that video, YouTube AdSense will pay around $ 1, but if you were only able to convince 0.5 percent of your audience to buy your course (five viewers), you will get a total of $ 250 in revenue from your own product. Therefore, many people are not required to buy your product to earn more money than YouTube will pay.

Affiliate links.

Becoming an affiliate is the easiest way to earn money on YouTube without Adsense. Earning money through affiliate links means that you advertise certain products in your videos and encourage your viewers to buy the product. You will have a link to the product in the video description, which is a special URL attached to your account. Every time someone makes a purchase through one of your links, you will receive a commission for that sale.

Perfect for: Any YouTuber willing to promote products

What to know about it

It is easy and requires little time.

You just need to place the links to the products you want to promote in the description. This will only take a few minutes.

Everyone can do it.

No matter if it’s a small YouTube channel, you can still implement this technique of making money in your videos from the beginning.

You are not limited to the products you are promoting.

Even if you put a link to a certain product in your videos, if the person buys something else after clicking on their link, they will still receive a commission for what they brought. This means that you may be surprised to get a commission for a $ 1000 item, even if you promoted a $ 20 item.

How to make it happen.

Choose the niche for the products.

If you do not already have a channel running on a particular topic, you can search for niches where there is a high demand for products.

Choose some products.

Ask yourself what products would be useful for your audience.

Choose an affiliate association.

The most popular affiliate program is Amazon Associates. You can find a wide variety of products to promote in any niche, and it is a global use platform where people trust to buy.

Talk about the products in your videos.

You start doing product reviews, which means you will have dedicated videos to promote the products. Or you can simply mention the products and why you recommend them in your usual videos.

Always reveal that you are using affiliate links.

Do not try to hide the fact that you are receiving sales commissions. Your audience will trust you more if you are transparent with them.

Do not advertise products you know nothing about.

Choose only products that you are familiar with and can genuinely recommend them. If you promote random products and turn out to be bad, it will be poorly reflected in your channel.

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